TomTom GO User Manual

Page 14

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preference is changed to 'Turn on 3D display'


tap on this to return to the original view.

Note that there's another alternative to the 3D

view. TomTom GO also has a 'schematic' view, see

section 5.3.

5.3 Turn off map display / Turn on map display

Above a certain speed (see section 5.18), for safety

reasons, the main map view is always replaced by

a 'schematic' view, focussed on the next driving

instruction. You can choose to use this all the time

if you prefer, by tapping on 'Turn off map display'

. As usual, the bottom left of the display

shows the distance to the junction referred to. The

preference is changed to 'Turn on map display'


tap on this to return to the original map view at

low speeds.

5.4 Hide POI / Show POI

You'll probably find it useful for TomTom GO to

show specific categories of Points Of Interest

(POI) as icons on its maps. See section 5.10 to

learn how to do this. Once you've carefully

browsed through the categories and chosen the

ones you need, you can hide all of them in one

stroke by tapping on 'Hide POI'

or show all

of them again by tapping on 'Show POI'


Note that if you haven't enabled (again, see

section 5.10) any Points Of Interest categories yet,

you will not see any icons on the map.

Another way of changing this preference is by

using the check box in 'Options' in the map

browser. See section 4.6.

5.5 Turn off sound / Turn on sound

You can turn off the voice that gives navigation

instructions by tapping on 'Turn off sound'


This is indicated during navigation by the


in the lower left-hand corner of the screen. To turn

the voice instructions back on again, tap on 'Turn

on sound'


To change the volume of the spoken instructions,

see section 5.6. To select another voice (i.e. gender

and/or language), see section 5.19.

5.6 Change volume

You can change the volume of the voice instructions

by tapping on 'Change volume'

. Tap on

the sliding scale to set the required volume in

increments of 10%. Tapping on the 'Test' button is

a good way to get the volume right before starting

your journey.

Mute car radio: Check this box to mute the sound

from your car stereo during spoken instruction.

Note: This feature is only available if you purchased

and installed the TomTom professional docking kit.

To turn the sound of voice instructions off

completely, see section 5.5.

5.7 Maintain favourites

After using TomTom GO for a while, you'll accumu-

late a number of favourite locations. Unless you

managed to set their location and name perfectly

at the time, you'll find that you want to rename

some, while others may no longer be needed and

can be deleted altogether. To perform these

actions, tap on 'Maintain favourites'


Tap on the favourite that you'd like to rename or

delete. If necessary, you can scroll up and down

the list, a page at a time, using the usual


buttons. If the list is really long, tap on


icon and tap in the first few letters of the

one you want.

Once selected, tap on 'Rename' or 'Delete',

depending on what you want to do. When you've

finished making changes, tap on 'Done'.

• Note that if you haven't yet added any favourite

locations, the 'Maintain favourites' icon will be

greyed out and unavailable.

• Note that there's no 'Are you sure?' confirmation

when deleting. Only tap on 'Delete' if you're

absolutely sure you want to delete this favourite.

• The only way to change a favourite's location is

to delete the current instance and create a new

one at the correct location. See section 3.5.

• You can back up your favourite locations by

connecting TomTom GO to your PC. See chapter

6 for more details.

5.8 GPS status

You can check the signal being received by

TomTom GO's built-in GPS by tapping 'GPS


. This is included for possible trouble-

shooting purposes and for interest's sake. The

status screen shows:

• Your calculated longitude and latitude (displayed

using your chosen distance units - see section


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