TomTom GO User Manual

Page 11

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3.7 Show route instructions

If you already have a route planned, tapping on the

'Show route instructions' icon

is a quick way

of displaying the list of turn instructions. As you

saw in section 3.1, tapping on any instruction

brings up TomTom GO's map view, zoomed into the

relevant junction. See chapter 4 for more on using

the map view.

3.8 Show status

If you already have a route planned, tapping on the

'Show status' icon

is a quick way of displaying

the route summary screen.

Note that an even quicker way of getting to the

route summary is by tapping anywhere in the

journey information section of the main TomTom

GO screen (the bottom right-hand corner).

3.9 Browse map

See chapter 4, which is dedicated entirely to

TomTom GO's maps and how to get the most from


3.10 Change preferences

See chapter 5, which goes into TomTom GO's

Preferences in detail.

4. Browsing the TomTom GO


You'll have noticed 'Map' buttons on each route

summary screen, as well as 'Browse map' as an

option on the main menu. TomTom GO's digital

maps form the basis of everything the product can

do and this chapter explains how to explore them,

setting up destinations, locating Points Of Interest

and adding favourites along the way.

4.1 The digital map

Tap on 'Browse map'

now, to get started in

the map browser. TomTom GO's map view is ori-

ented in the same way as a paper map, i.e. with

north 'upwards', and shows the usual cities,

towns, major roads, streets, railway lines, rivers

and lakes. Unlike a paper map, you can zoom in

and out and vary the amount of detail shown. You

can also overlay categories of Points Of Interest

and personal elements such as favourite locations

and departure/destination points. And, of course,

you can harness TomTom GO's computer power to

search for things, such as a list of specific Points

Of Interest, sorted in order of ascending distance

from a given location.

Here are the main elements of TomTom GO's map


Scale bar.

Cursor position.

GPS button.

Zoom bar.

Your current GPS position.

Options button.

Search button.

Cursor button

A Point Of Interest. These will appear according

to your own preferences, see section 5.10.

4.2 Scrolling and scaling

You can scroll around a map by simply holding

your finger to the display and sliding it in any

direction. The part of the map around your finger

is scrolled immediately; as soon as you lift your

finger, the rest is filled in automatically.

When a new map appears on the screen, it will

usually be scaled for you, perhaps to encompass a

recently-calculated route or to show details of a

particular junction, but you can adjust the scale

easily using the 'zoom bar'. Press your finger on

the zoom bar's handle

and slide it up and

down slowly. The map will be continuously zoomed

in (when sliding down) and out (when sliding up)

around the current cursor position.

Note that only a 'blocky' preview map is shown

while you're changing the zoom level. The moment

you lift your finger, the map is drawn properly in

full detail.

4.3 The cursor

The cursor

is your most valuable tool in

TomTom GO's map browser. Just tap on any spot

on the map to place the cursor there. The nearest

road segment is automatically highlighted in green

and labelled, together with start and finish house

numbers on each side of the road (if relevant).

If you'd like the cursor position to be reset to be

the same as your calculated GPS position, tap on

the GPS button

. The map will also be


4.4 Cursor functions

You can do things with the current cursor position

by tapping on the cursor button


Tap on 'Navigate there'


plan a route from your current GPS position to the

cursor position. The route summary and options

are exactly the same as in section 3.1.

Tap on 'Center on map'

to make the cursor

position the new map centre, i.e. with your chosen

spot in the centre of the screen.

TomTom GO may also zoom in or out slightly to a

standard map scale that is ideal for driving and

street-level navigation.

Tap on 'Find nearby POI'

to find the nearest

Point Of Interest to the cursor position. Icons are

shown for the five categories that you've most

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