The f.i.t. concept defined – True Fitness Cs5.0 User Manual
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CS Treadmill Owner’s Guide
The F.I.T. Concept Defined
chapter seven: designing an exercise program
What is
the F.I.T.
The workout portion of your exercise program consists of three
major variables: Frequency, Intensity, and Time.
Frequency: How Often You Exercise
You should exercise three to five times a week to improve
your cardiovascular and muscle fitness. Improvements are
significantly smaller with less frequent exercise.
ntensity: How Hard You Exercise
Intensity of exercise is reflected in your heart rate. Exercise
must be sufficiently rigorous to strengthen your heart muscle
and condition your cardiovascular system. Only your doctor
can prescribe the target training heart range appropriate for
your particular needs and physical condition.
Start with exercise that stimulates you to breathe more deeply.
Alternate days of moderate and easy exercise to help your body
adapt to new levels of exertion without unnecessary strain.
If you are just beginning an exercise program, you may be most
comfortable walking at a speed of 1-2 mph. As you use your
treadmill regularly, higher speeds may be more comfortable and
more effective.
Inability to maintain a smooth, rhythmic motion suggests that
your speed and/or elevation may be too great.
If you feel out of breath before you have exercised 12 minutes,
you are probably exercising too hard.