2 language, 3 screen, 4 autostart – Teac WAP-4500 User Manual

Page 21: 5 ntp, 6 date, 7 time, 8 sleep

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Device Name: this item is for renaming the SMR entries in the SMR device list.

Example: in case your WAP-4500 you use in the living room
shall not be displayed as “WAP-4500“ in the BRC main

screen, but by the name of its place “Living Room“, first mark
the device for renaming and confirm by OK (7). Then scroll

to the entry rename and confirm again by OK (7). Now you
will see the cursor driven virtual keyboard you can use for

typing the new name for the marked SMR device.
Confirm each letter by OK (7) and finish your renaming by
scrolling to the virtual screen's “enter“ symbol and press OK

(7) again. Now you have finished renaming of the marked
SMR device entry as you like.
8.2 Language:
here you can select your preferred display language. Press
OK (7), scroll to your language and confirm your selection by

pressing OK (7) again.
8.3 Screen:
press OK (7), scroll the time and confirm by OK (7) again to

select the waiting time for power saving display off.
8.4 Autostart:
here you can chose a start position, where you always like to

start operation of your WAP-4500 after power-on.
8.5 NTP:
select NTP on or off to enable/disable the network time synchronization.

Scroll to Time Zone and press OK (7) to select the appropriate time zone and
confirm by OK (7) again.
8.6 Date:
current date setting when NTP is off. Scroll up/down to Year / Month / Day and
select the appropriate data by left/right keys and confirm by OK (7).
8.7 Time:
current time setting when NTP is off. Scroll left/right to Hour / Minutes and select
the appropriate data by up/down keys and confirm by OK (7) again.
8.8 Sleep:
sleep time setting. Select between Off- and 30-60-90 minutes. You can set Sleep
function also in Clock screen by the right softbutton (4).