Finding speaker mounting locations, Door mounting, Rear deck mounting – Orion Car Audio HCCA52 User Manual
Page 4: Installing the mid/woofers
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fInDInG sPeaKeR MounTInG loCaTIons
Choosing the correct speaker locations will have the greatest effect on the sound quality of the
system . Different considerations are needed when choosing the locations that best suit your
needs . The locations must be large enough for the speakers to fit . Care is needed to ensure that
the location you have chosen will not affect any of the mechanical or electrical operations of
the vehicle .
Determining the best location for the speakers will depend on your cosmetic needs and your
vehicle's interior . If minimal intrusion in your vehicle is desired, factory speaker locations may
be the ticket for you . Placing the speaker in the factory location can often give very desirable
results .
DooR MounTInG
When checking for possible speaker locations in the doors, check the operation of the window
and all assemblies . There is also a stabilizer stop bar in between the door and the door jamb .
This bar prevents the door from opening too far . Many shade tree installers overlook this and
check for clearance only when the door is fully open .
ReaR DeCK MounTInG
In rear deck installations, check the operation of the trunk suspension springs or tension bars .
These tension bars move in the opening and closing of the trunk . You cannot be too cautious
during this part of the installation, In addition, do not locate the speakers too close to the back
of the rear deck . Installing the far screws will only be possible with the removal of the rear
window .
InsTallInG THe MID/WoofeRs
step 1: Determine where the speakers will be mounted . Make sure there is a flat area large
enough for the speakers to fit properly . an uneven mounting surface can damage the
driver .
step 2: Check to make sure the space you have chosen for the speakers will not interfere with
the operation of the vehicle .
step 3: using the supplied template guide, mark the mounting hole and mounting screw hole
locations with a pen for each speaker .
step 4: Cut the holes for the speaker . When using correctly sized factory locations, this step
can be passed . a hole can be cut either with a pair of metal tin snips, an air or jig saw,
or with a hole saw corresponding to the size of the midrange listed below .
• 5-5/8” Hole saw (6-1/2” mid/woofer installation)
• 4-3/4" Hole saw (5-1/4" mid/woofer install .)
WARNING: Check for clearance of window mechanisms and electrical wires befoRe you drill .
step 5: Run the speaker wire to the speakers . Make sure to keep wires away from sharp metal
or other edges . When passing through metal, use a protective grommet .
step 6: Pre-drill mounting screw holes using a 1/8" drill bit .
WARNING: Check for clearance of window mechanisms and electrical wires befoRe you drill .