Oracle Audio Technologies Oracle Tuxedo User Manual
Page 100
E r r o r a n d I n f o r m a t i o n a l M e s s a g e s
Oracle Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for TCP CICS User Guide
The disconnect process has completed successfully.
Service svcname not found.
service was not found in the inbound service name file.
Client has already logged
A client process has attempted to establish a connection when a
connection already existed. (The connection request protocol was
Client has not logged in.
A client process has made a request to the TMA TCP for CICS
gateway but has not yet established a login connection. (The
connection request protocol was never sent.)
is active.
This message is returned to the remote Tuxedo gateway when a PING
request is sent to the TMA TCP for CICS gateway from the tmadmin
administration tool.
Invalid password.
The password specified in the TMA TCP gateway configuration file
does not match the password specified when the CICS supplied
listener was configured.
Invalid client account.
The account code specified in the TMA TCP gateway configuration
file does not match the account code specified when the CICS
supplied listener was configured.
Sorry-System Resource is
protected by CICS.
The mode command was executed through the tmadmin tool on
Tuxedo and the administrative request specified is not available in the
CICS region.
Data too long, please check
message header.
A message received is larger than the maximum allowable message
Data too short, please check
message header.
A message was received and was smaller than the smallest expected
Message header is incorrect.
An invalid protocol header was received. This can occur if there was
a transmission error or if a message was sent to the gateway without
having gone through the TMA TCP gateway gateway on the remote
Tuxedo node.
This transaction is not
defined in CICS.
A CICS transaction code was mapped to a service name in the TMA
TCP gateway configuration file for a transaction code that is
unknown to CICS.