Intermediate problem solving – Oracom ULTRA MAX 695 User Manual

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Intermediate Problem Solving


If check is OK, go to next check

When check is not OK, refer to this column

Spray pattern

3. Pressure adjustment potentiometer (77) by replacing

with a new one.

3. Replace potentiometer. See page 14..


4. Low Output section, page 6.

Motor is hot and
runs intermit-

1. Determine if sprayer was operated at high pressure with

small tips, which causes excessive heat build up.

1. Decrease pressure setting or increase tip


2. Be sure ambient temperature where sprayer is located is

no more than 90


F (32


C) and sprayer is not located in

direct sun.

2. Move sprayer to shaded, cooler area if


3. Motor.

3. Replace motor. See page 12.

Building circuit
breaker opens
as soon as
sprayer switch is

1. All electrical wiring for damaged insulation,

and all terminals for loose fit or damage.
Also check wires between pressure transducer
and motor. See page 12.

1. Repair or replace any damaged wiring or

terminals. Securely reconnect all wires.


turned on.

2. For missing motor brush inspection plate gasket (see

page 10), bent terminal forks or other metal to metal
contact points which could cause a short.

2. Correct faulty conditions.

3. Motor armature for shorts. Use an

armature tester (growler) or perform motor test.
See page 9. Inspect windings for burns.

3. Replace motor. See page 12.

4. Motor control board (22a) by performing motor control

board diagnostics on page 13. If diagnostics indicate,
substitute with a good board.

CAUTION: Do not perform this check until motor arma-
ture is determined to be good. A bad motor armature
can burn out a good board

4. Replace board. See page 13.

Circuit breaker
opens after
sprayer oper-
ates for 5 to 10

1. Basic Problems – Electrical’ on page 4.

Building circuit
breaker opens
as soon as
sprayer is
plugged into
outlet and
sprayer is not
turned on.

1. ON/OFF switch (80). Be sure sprayer is unplugged!

Disconnect wires from switch. Check switch with
ohmmeter. The reading should be infinity with ON/OFF
switch OFF, and zero with switch ON.

CAUTION: A short in motor circuit can damage switch
and or motor control board (22a).

1. Replace ON/OFF switch. See page 14.

2. For damaged or pinched wires in junction box (20).

2. Replace damaged parts.

Unit will not run
on generator but
does run on AC

1. Generator “peak” voltage.

Sprayer will not run if peak voltage is above 165 or be-
low 75 VAC for 232916, 232917; above 190V or below
100V for 232910 – 232913, 232919 or above 260V or
below 180V for 232918, 232915, 232914.

1. Use AC power or a different generator.