Oceanic Regulator Equipment User Manual

Page 7

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Owner's Guide

The convenience of two HP ports provides for consistent positioning of your in-

strument console regardless of the orientation of the first stage. Note that the

SP4 and Explorers only have one HP port.

Experience and experimentation will be your best guide to choosing the orienta-

tion that is best to satisfy your needs and preference.

Installing Hoses:

After having determined the type of hose and preferred orientation -

 Remove the port plugs from those ports to be used by turning them counter

clockwise with a 5/32" hex key. Save the port plugs for possible future


 Lightly lubricate the hose-end threads and o-ring with Christo-Lube

MCG111 lubricant (silicone grease is acceptable only if the regulator is not

designated for use with nitrox).

 Thread the hose clockwise into the port until secure, then tighten it with an

open end wrench of the appropriate size to a torque of 40 in-lbs.

  Second stage - 9/16" wrench

  LP inflator - 9/16" (or 1/2") wrench

  HP gauge or integrated computer - 5/8" wrench

 After all hoses are connected, test the complete regulator assembly by at-

taching it to an appropriate tank, pressurizing the system, and carefully lis-

tening for leakage of breathing gas.


WARNING: At least one second stage must be connected to the

first stage to facilitate purging of breathing gas from the first


To remove a hose from the first stage -

 Loosen and remove the hose by turning it in the counter clockwise direction

with an open end wrench of the appropriate size.

 Lightly lubricate the threads and o-ring of the port plug.

 Thread the port plug clockwise into the port and tighten to a torque of 40

in-lbs using a 5/32" hex key.

 Test the assembly by attaching it to an appropriate tank, pressurizing the

system, and listening for leakage.


DataLink is a high pressure quick disconnect designed to offer additional protec-

tion for your instrument console. It allows you to quickly and easily remove the

HP hose and instrument console from the regulator first stage without any tools.

It should be oriented so it is best protected from collisions with objects while un-

derwater. DataLink can be purchased from an Authorized Oceanic Dealer.

WARNING: Proper installation of the DataLink is essential for it to

function properly. It must be installed only by an Authorized Oce-

anic Dealer.