Oceanic Regulator Equipment User Manual
Page 10

Oceanic Regulator
To remove the Regulator from the tank:
Close the tank valve and purge all breathing gas from the regulator system
by depressing the purge button of the second stage regulator.
Turn the DIN connector wheel counter clockwise out of cavity in the tank
Prevent water from entering the first stage. DO NOT blow air near a
first stage that does not have the protector cap in place.
Place the protector cap on the threads of the regulator DIN connector
WARNING: The DIN to USA Converter is specifically designed for
use with Oceanic brand first stages. Although it may fit other
brand first stages, it was not designed to do so or tested for use
with other brands. Under no circumstances should the Oceanic
DIN to USA Converter be used with any other first stage than an
Oceanic model.
To install the DIN to USA Converter:
Remove the protector cap from the threads of the regulator DIN connector
wheel, and examine the threads and sealing o-ring. Replace the o-ring if it
is damaged.
Using care not to cross the threads, thread the DIN to USA Converter clock-
wise onto the first stage DIN connector wheel until it is secure. DO NOT
use tools to tighten.
Before attaching the Regulator to the tank:
Slowly open then close the tank's valve for a second to allow a momentary
flow of breathing gas to blow any moisture or contaminants from the gas
opening in the tank valve.
Examine the threads in the valve to ensure they are clean and free of burrs
or defects that could damage the threads of your regulator DIN fitting.
To attach the Regulator to the tank:
Remove the dust protector from the yoke by turning the easy-grip knob in a
counter clockwise direction.
Place the yoke connector over the tank valve, positioned with the seating
surface against the valve o-ring.
Turn the easy-grip yoke knob clockwise until secure.
Slowly open the tank valve (with the pressure gauge facing away from you)
and listen to ensure that no breathing gas is leaking from the regulator/tank
If any leakage is observed, repeat the attachment procedure and inspect
the sealing o-ring. If breathing gas still leaks, DO NOT USE! Take the
regulator and tank to an Authorized Oceanic Dealer for inspection and ser-