Orion 52080 User Manual

Page 3

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Figure 2b.

If your telescope has T-threads, remove the nosepiece from the SSDSI-

II and thread the camera directly onto the telescope. This provides the most secure




In order to reach focus, the telescope must have approximately 0.6" (15mm)
of inward focus travel relative to where a standard eyepiece focuses. If your
telescope does not have enough inward focus travel, you will need to use
and optional 1.25" barlow lens to extend the telescope’s focal plane to the
camera’s imaging plane.
For most types of astro-imaging with the SSDSI-II (except planetary imag-
ing), using a telescope with a focal length of under 1000mm is recommended.
Otherwise, the field of view may be too small to capture the entire deep sky
object. To decrease the effective focal length of your telescope, use a focal
reducer lens (available from Orion). If you are imaging planets, however, you
will benefit from using a telescope with a long (over 1000mm) focal length. Or
you can use a barlow lens to extend the effective focal length of your telescope
to increase planetary image scale.

An equatorial mount with right ascension motor drive is required for deep sky
imaging with the SSDSI-II. Otherwise, objects will drift in the field of view as
the image is being captured. It is also very important that the mount tracks
very accurately with little periodic error. If not, stars will not appear round in the
final image. Use a sturdy mount that is appropriately sized for the telescope
tube being used. Accurate polar alignment will also be required.

A computer is needed. For astro-imaging in the field at night, a laptop com-
puter is highly recommended. Maxim DL Essentials requires Windows 2000,
Windows XP, or Windows Vista.
The following hardware is also required:
• Processor – Pentium™ or equivalent, or higher
• Recommended minimum memory size is 64 MB.
• Disk Space – 67 MB for program installation, 100 MB swap file recom-
• Video Display – 800 X 600, 16-bit color or higher. 1024x768 or higher is
• Mouse
• Internet Explorer 4 or higher required to display on-line help
• USB port (USB 2.0 recommended)
Maxim DL Essentials benefits greatly from increased memory size.
Note: Some computers have USB ports that are known to not meet the USB
specification for the output voltage. These computers may not be able to run
the SSDSI-2 without the use of an external powered hub. The vast majority of
computers, however, do meet the proper USB specification, and should have no
problems running the SSDSI-2 off of regular USB power. The SSDSI-2 itself is fully
USB compliant regarding its power requirements.

Power and the TEC
In order to provide power for the SSDSI-II’s thermoelectric cooler (TEC), an
external 3VDC power supply is needed. The SSDSI-II camera itself runs off the
power supplied by your computer’s USB port; only the TEC requires external
power. So, if you happen to run out of external 3VDC power in the field, you
can still run the camera without the TEC.
The TEC is like a refrigerator in the camera. When the camera is running, it
produces internal heat, which causes “noise” in images. The TEC counteracts
this by cooling the CCD chip, which reduces thermal noise. This produces bet-
ter quality images than similar uncooled cameras can provide. Also, cameras
with simple air-cooling (i.e. with an onboard fan) cannot reduce the internal
camera temperature below ambient (outside) temperature, and therefore pro-
duce images that are inherently inferior. The TEC in the SSDSI-II will reduce the
temperature of the camera’s interior to approximately 36°F (20° C) below the
ambient outside temperature.
The included 3VDC power supply requires two D-cell batteries (not included).
To install the batteries, open the battery holder by pulling and lifting the tab
on the cover labeled “OPEN”. Then, insert the batteries so the polarity is as
indicated on the interior of the holder.