What is an initialization parameter file, Location of initialization parameter files, Editing initialization parameter files – Oracle A423961 User Manual

Page 130: The sample initialization parameter file

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Oracle7 Server Getting Started for Windows NT

What Is an Initialization Parameter File?

An initialization parameter file is an ASCII text file containing a list of
parameters. Every instance has a corresponding initialization parameter
file and ORACLE_SID parameter.

The initialization parameter filenames take the form




where sid is the name of the instance. For example, the initialization
parameter file for the initial database is named INITORCL.ORA,
because the initial database SID is ORCL.

A single instance might also have several initialization parameter files,
each having some differences to affect system performance and so forth.

Additional Information:

A general description of the

initialization parameter file can be found in the Oracle7 Server
Administrator’s Guide

By changing the value of these parameters you can specify, for example,
the amount of memory the database uses, whether filled online redo
logs will be archived, and which control files currently exist for the

Initialization parameters reside in initialization parameter files. To allow
parameter values to be unique to a particular database, each database
normally has its own initialization parameter file.

Location of Initialization Parameter Files

The computer that starts the instance must have access to the
appropriate initialization parameter files. Oracle7 uses the initialization
parameter files located in \ORANT\DATABASE, unless you specify a
file with the PFILE option at startup.

Editing Initialization Parameter Files

To customize Oracle7 Server for Windows NT databases functions, you
may need to edit the initialization parameter files. Use any ASCII text
editor to modify the file.

The Sample Initialization Parameter File

The initialization parameter file (


) used by the initial

database that you can install with Oracle7 Server for Windows NT is
installed in \ORANT \DATABASE. You can use this file as a model for
creating a new Oracle7 Server for Windows NT database.