A complete value proposition, About alcatel-lucent – Riverstone Networks 1300 User Manual

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6 < A L C AT E L - L U C E N T

A Complete Value Proposition

The Alcatel-Lucent 1300 CMC supports the management
of fixed networks and enables service providers to migrate
their subscribers from PSTN to NGN/IMS networks. It
ensures minimum service downtime for customers and
requires no modification of existing dialing plan and sub-
scriber domain names; subscriber profiles and services
can be kept. The process is efficient, safe and secure,
and results in a short migration phase. It also evolves
the management of converged IMS based networks
(with XMC).

The Alcatel-Lucent 1300 CMC’s task-oriented forms

and task procedures, its subscriber and route provi-
sioning capabilities and the subscriber migration support
enable efficient management, reduced input errors and
reduced training requirements. It all adds up to lower
OPEX. The Alcatel-Lucent 1300 CMC (with its evolution
to the Alcatel-Lucent 1300 XMC), also offers a secure
path to facilitate network migration to IMS-based con-
verged networks and helps to optimize revenues by
quickly adjusting routing and subscriber data.

About Alcatel-Lucent

Alcatel-Lucent provides communications solutions

to telecommunication carriers, Internet service

providers and enterprises for delivery of voice,

data and video applications to their customers

and/or employees. With its leading position in

fixed and mobile broadband networks, appli-

cations and services, Alcatel-Lucent helps its

partners and customers build a user-centric

broadband world.