The alcatel-lucent 1300 cmc value proposition – Riverstone Networks 1300 User Manual

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In today’s highly competitive and fast-moving telecom
landscape, each step in migration to IMS must generate
value immediately. The Alcatel-Lucent 1300 CMC provides
immediate benefits in CAPEX and OPEX savings.


The Alcatel-Lucent 1300 CMC offers a competitive price
through its integration of several element managers and,
for operators with established Alcatel-Lucent 1000 S12
networks, enables extension to NGN/IMS management
with a simple software upgrade. Also, a single interface
minimizes the OSS integration costs.


Integrated network management for the PSTN and NGN/
IMS significantly reduces OPEX, by about 40 percent
compared with the costs of separately managing the

For new NGNs, integrated management is the key to

high network availability and rapid service provisioning.
The intuitive user interface minimizes training costs for
operators, reduces input errors and increases operational


A common management platform enables network
operators to add the NGN/IMS management capabilities
of the Alcatel-Lucent 1300 CMC to their networks,
ensuring a smooth PSTN-to-NGN/IMS migration for
established Alcatel-Lucent 1000 networks and reducing
service turn-up time.

This includes tools and processes for subscriber migra-

tion. For the introduction of IMS, subscriber migration to
a central network database, such as the Alcatel-Lucent
1430 IP Multimedia-Home Subscriber Server (IP-HSS),
is key in minimizing the migration costs and the impact
on subscribers.


By adding NGN/IMS capabilities to established networks,
the Alcatel-Lucent 1300 CMC enables new revenue-
generating services, thereby accelerating return on
investment (ROI) and providing a future-proof network
management solution.


The Alcatel-Lucent 1300 CMC and its predecessors, the
Alcatel-Lucent 1360 Switch Management Center (SMC)
for S12 switches and the Alcatel-Lucent 1300 Network
Management Center (NMC) (1+2) for E10 switches,
manage about 150 million terminations worldwide, from
France to China and Australia to Portugal. Integrated
alarm surveillance, hardened in numerous networks,
guarantees maximum network uptime.


By generating value today and well into the future,
the Alcatel-Lucent 1300 CMC provides a complete
value proposition.

A L C AT E L - L U C E N T > 3

The Alcatel-Lucent 1300 CMC
Value Proposition

“Alcatel offers a very complete overall management umbrella for the 5020 Softswitch, as well as the

other elements within its NGN Voice portfolio. The 5020 Element Management platform offers full

FCAPS (Fault, Configuration, Accounting, Performance, and Security) support as well as seamless

integration into Alcatel's 1300 Convergent Network Management Center (CMC), providing full

operations and maintenance support for Alcatel's softswitch, gateways, and legacy PSTN switches,

as well as interfacing to existing operational support systems (OSSs).”

J . M C G A R V E Y, C U R R E N T A N A LY S I S , I N C . , S E P T E M B E R 1 , 2 0 0 5