Rio Grande Games Aquaretto 270 User Manual

Page 6

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: All players but me have taken trucks. May I still continue taking

A: Yes, you may take as many as you wish and you can. But on each turn,
you have the usual 3 possible actions. You could, for example, take
several money actions or draw tiles, placing them on the last delivery
truck, as long as there is room there for them. Only when you take the
last truck does the current round end.

Q: Can I have several basins with the same animal type in my water zoo?
A: No.

Q: May I have different animals in the same basin?
A: No.

Q: May I change a manager to a trainer with the money action “move”?
A: Yes.

Q: I have trainer on 2 adjacent spaces of a Dolphin. Do I get then 2 addi-
tional points?
A: Yes.

Q: May I still take money actions after I have taken a delivery truck?
A: No. Not even in the last round of the game.


For 6 Dolphins, the player earns 6 points

For 6 Polar Bears, the player earns 6 points

For 5 Sea Lions, the player earns 5 points

For 2 Hippopotamuses the player earns 2 points

For the 4 Dolphins marked with (a) and the
2 Sea Lions, the player earns for trainer (A)
6 points

For the 2 Dolphins marked with (b) and the
2 Sea Lions, the player earns for trainer (B)
(Sea Lion (c) cannot be trained)
4 points

For keeper (D) the tiles marked with (d) 5 points

As he does not have a cashier, he earns for coins

0 points

2 different animal types in the depot (e) – 4 points

Total: = 30 points

If you have rule qu


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Hippopotamus: this herbivore is related to pigs. It is the
second largest land animal and can achieve the amazing speed
of approximately 30 mph despite its weight, which can reach
10000 pounds and a length of up to 14 feet.

Dolphin: this pleasant mammal is considered by many the
most intelligent animal and is particularly noted for its acroba-
tic ability and its social behavior. The dolphin can dive up to
1500 feet deep for as long as 15 minutes before returning to the
surface to breathe.

Orca: this large whale can be up to 25 feet long and 20000
pounds. They prefer Arctic and Antarctic waters. This remarkably
successful hunter is the fastest well-known sea animal capable
of speeds up to 90 mph.

Sea Turtle: these armored animals have been paddling around
for about 200 million years, mostly in tropical and subtropical
seas. They follow the currents and, thus, range across large
areas. They leave the water to reproduce by laying eggs in the
land areas along their long sea routes.

Penguin: they are found primarily in the cold regions of the
Southern Hemisphere and are very well adapted to that life.
They are excellent divers, but are not fast swimmers. However,
they can maneuver well and at a high rate to evade predators.
They can also leap up to 7 feet from the water.

Polar Bear: this loner from the far north has a great sense of
smell and is very important in the traditions of the Inuit, who
call them "Nanuk". Despite its size and its weight, the polar
bear can easily float on the sea for as far as 40 miles.

Sea Lion: these very social animals form large colonies and can
be seen basking at numerous rocky islands in the sea. They are
not the fastest swimmers, but among the most acrobatic in the

Crocodile: these creatures can reach 20 feet in length and are
direct descendants of the Archosaur of the Trias. They are per-
fectly camouflaged and spend the majority of their lives in the
water, often only showing eyes and nostrils above the surface.




a) b)

a) b)

a) b)



a) b)










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