Radio Shack 3Com Bigpicture User Manual

Page 35

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The information that you provide here will
be available to anyone accessing the VDO
directory while the VDOPhone software is
running on your PC. Adding information to
the VDOPhone “Identity” section might
help friends and family identify who you are
for practical reasons. However, keep in
mind that someone you don’t know can
use your information to call you and send
you information that you may not want.

The best solution for this potential problem
is to talk to your Internet service provider
(ISP) about obtaining a dynamic IP
address. Dynamic IP addresses change
with every call to your ISP. What they
allow you to do is to send and receive
information over the Internet that can be
traced. If someone were to intercept your

dynamic address, they could send to that
address, but it would only be valid until
your next log in. It will be invalid almost as
soon as they have a chance to send you
unwanted information. Additionally, your
ISP should be able to trace who sent to
your dynamic IP address at the moment
you received the unwanted message or

Many ISPs offer dynamic IP addresses for
users who are concerned about security.
We strongly encourage you to obtain one
and to obtain them for anyone using your
Bigpicture system.

Use vague identity information. You
can fill in the information screens with a
nickname, code name, or anything other