RCA MPA0001 User Manual
Page 5

www.radiosophy.com MultiStream HD User's Guide
If you do not see any HD Radio indicators, stations in
your area may not yet be broadcasting HD Radio.
Visit www.radiosophy.com/abouthdradio/hd_radio_map.html
for a list of stations broadcasting in HD Radio in your area.
Acquiring... (you will briefly hear analog while a digital
signal is being acquired)
A circle indicates that you are receiving a digital signal. If
there is no circle you are receiving an analog signal. If the
station is multicasting, each stream will have a number in a
(see examples above)
If your station provides it, your MultiStream HD can display
text with song title, artist, weather alerts, news, sports or
other information. This text appears when "Acquiring…"
goes away. (also see page 3)
PLEASE NOTE: Text is provided at the option of each radio
station. Only the radio station can answer questions about
information displayed in the text.
The HD Radio logo lights up as the analog signal smoothly
blends into a digital signal.
Multiple Streams Mean More Channels
As you tune through stations, you'll notice a great HD Radio
feature - more channels! Many FM stations are moving from
broadcasting to multicasting by adding additional streams to
their frequency. (see below)