Roku SoundBridge User Manual
Page 24

The value of “Wireless Network Name (SSID)” is the SSID that you will enter into the
SoundBridge’s wireless setup. Next, click on “Security Settings” on the left side to access the
WEP settings:
If “WEP” is set to “Disable,” then you do not need to enter a password to access your wireless
network. If “WEP” is set to “Enable,” you will need to obtain the hexadecimal key for your
network. Netgear unfortunately, does not allow you to view the current passphrase or
keys. However, if you re-enter the known passphrase and press “Generate Keys,” then it will
regenerate the keys as before and allow you to view the keys:
Make a note of the value of the key with the active radio button (the default key, in this case
“Key 1”: “562E7FF0A0”). This is the password that you will need to enter into your SoundBridge’s
wireless setup “Password” field. You now have the information necessary to set up your
wireless network from your SoundBridge. You may close your web browser.