Space and wall requirements, Impedance matching for amplifier and speakers, Space requirements & impedance matching – Russound Advantage In-Ceiling speaker User Manual

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Russound Advantage Twist & Tilt speakers require at
least 1.4 cubic feet of space behind the speaker for opti-
mal performance.


* Wallboard/plaster ceilings - The dense, rigid nature of

wallboard (or lath and plaster) acts as a superb
speaker baffle.

* Suspended ceiling – only if the ceiling tile is rein-

forced with wood or particle board


* Brick or concrete ceiling where the wallboard or pan-

eling is attached to thin furring strips – This type of
ceiling can’t provide proper depth (clearance) for the
back of the Russound Advantage speakers.

* Locations concealing pipes, heating ducts and AC

wiring - These elements can complicate speaker
mounting and installation of speaker wire. AC wiring
can induce hum caused by close proximity to the


Not all amplifiers or receivers can safely operate two
sets of speakers at once. If you intend to run your
Russound Advantage speakers and your main speakers
concurrently, or if you intend to hook up and run two
sets of speakers at the same time, it’s important to con-
sider both the impedance of the speakers and the capa-
bilities of the amplifier or receiver you’re using.

A speaker’s impedance rating indicates the amount of
electrical resistance it places against current flowing
from a receiver’s outputs. If the total speaker load
does not present adequate resistance, the receiver
increases its power output. Low-impedance speakers
may hamper operations of receivers not designed to
deliver large amounts of current to low-impedance

loads. This may lead to greater distortion, and causes
the receiver to run hot or activate its protection circuitry.

First, consult the owner’s manual for your amplifier or
receiver. It should state the minimum speaker imped-
ance during multiple speaker operation. The impedance
may also be printed on the back of the amplifier/receiv-
er next to the speaker connectors. If you can’t readily
determine this information, consult the dealer where you
purchased the amplifier or receiver, or call the manufac-
turer of the product in question.

The impedance rating for your Russound Advantage
Music Series speakers is 8 ohms, and 6 ohms for the
Hi-Fi Series. Next, determine the impedance of your
other speakers. It may be printed on the back of the
speaker near the connection terminals, or you can con-
sult the speaker’s owner’s manual. Speaker impedance
must be equal to or higher than the amplifier/receiver
speaker output impedance rating. For instance, an
amplifier/receiver that is rated for two pair of 8 ohm
speakers cannot support two pair of 4 ohm speakers.

If the amplifier/receiver is not rated for the speaker con-
figuration desired, external volume controls and/or
speaker selectors can maintain the impedance levels
that will allow your amplifier/receiver to operate safely.
Russound makes a complete line of these products,
from Impedance-Matching Volume Controls to
Impedance-Matching Speaker Selectors. Ask your
Russound dealer for details or request a catalog from
Russound at 800-638-8055 (U.S. and Canada) or
+1-603-659-5170 from outside the U.S.


Space Requirements & Impedance Matching