Operation – Revox M208 User Manual
Page 17

Operation of the Tuner is very
simple. You switch on the Tuner at
the M51 or in another room, if you
have installed the Revox
Multiroom System, using the
A button. The last
selected station is automatically
selected. You can scroll up and
down the list of stations with the
A and A
A buttons or you
can enter the station memory
number directly through the
numeric keypad. The M208 display
is not updated. It continues to
show the station that was selected
last through the navigations
Working with the navigation
compass gives the highest levels
of user comfort. You simply select
the desired station using the
navigation compass and confirm
your choice with the OK button.
The are several navigation options
to help you find the desired station
in the shortest time:
Single jump
Using the vertical (North/South)
buttons, you can select the station
above or below your current
position in the list.
Page jump
With the two horizontal
(West/East) buttons, you can jump
to the next or previous page within
the station list.
If you have selected the small font
size, a positional jump covers 5
stations. If you have selected the
large font size, the jump only
covers 3 stations.
Start / End jump
Using the red button you can jump
to the first station in the list, Station
1. The yellow button takes you to
the last station in the list.
You confirm your station selection
with the OK button. The M51 and
the wall display in the Additional
rooms of a Multiroom System,
now also show the station that you
have selected with your remote