Constellation – Rinnai FLAME FIRES User Manual
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thE noStALgIc IMAgE oF FIREpLAcES IS bRought to LIFE wIth thE RInnAI
conStELLAtIon FLAME FIRE. In A tRIbutE to yEStERyEAR, RInnAI hAvE dESIgnEd thIS
opEn convEctoR dEcoRAtIvE FIRE wIth A choIcE oF buRn MEdIuMS And FAScIAS
whIch cAn bE MIxEd And MAtchEd to youR nEEdS. coMpLEtE wIth thE LAtESt
ELEctRonIc tEchnoLogy, you cAn Enjoy thE AMbIEncE And RoMAncE oF An opEn
FIRE At thE touch oF A button - thE bESt oF both woRLdS!