Expansion port circuit examples – Radio Shack Mobile Robot User Manual

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Expansion Port Circuit Examples


ARobot's expansion connector provides access to the Basic Stamp II’s I/O pins, to the RC servo motor

signals, and to the wheel encoder’s signal. These signals can be used to control accessories and to read

sensors. +5 volts is made available to power accessories. Observe current specifications to prevent

overload of the power supply components on the controller board. Many unused pins are also available

that can be soldered to various signals on the controller board or to components in the prototype area.

Breadboards and Perfboards

ARobot’s controller board is the same size and has the same mounting hole pattern as breadboards and

perfboards from Radio Shack – Part numbers 276-174 and 276-170 respectively (2“ x 6“). The

breadboard allows circuits to be created easily without soldering. The perfboard allow construction of

more permanent circuits. Boards can be stacked on top of each other using long screws or spacers. Two

sets of board mounting holes exist on ARobot’s body. The set towards the rear is occupied by the

controller board and the other set can be used to mount breadboards or perfboards.

Soldering and other basic electronic skills

Books are available from Radio Shack and other sources that teach basic electronic skills such as

component identification and soldering. These subjects are beyond the scope of this text and will not be

taught here. Expansion ideas in this book require these basic skills and knowledge.

Expansion port cables

The expansion connector is a common 40 pin dual row header with pins on .1” centers. The cable is 40

pin flat cable with .05” centers and is easily cut with scissors. Cable is crimped onto the connector by

pressing. This is the same type of connector used for many disk drives on desktop computers. You can

simply purchase a disk drive cable which has connectors and cut it to length or buy individual cable and

connectors from an electronic supply company such as Radio Shack or Digi-Key.

Expansion Port Cable

Part sources

Here are some sources for electronic

components useful for the robot experimenter:

Radio Shack

Digi-Key Electronics

701 Brooks Ave. South

Thief River Falls, MN 56701 USA


Mouser Electronics

958 N. Main St.

Mansfield, TX 76063 USA


ARobot with Breadboard & Expansion