Glossary of terms – Radio Shack Mobile Robot User Manual
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Fractals – A geometric pattern in which an object looks the same regardless of the viewing scale.
Fractal concepts can be used in AI programming.
Fuzzy Logic – Logic in which boundaries between sets are not crisp. This concept is often used to
control systems that would be too complex to model with traditional sequential programs.
Genetic Algorithm – A set of instructions that mimic biological life by simulating genes, mutation, and
other aspects of living systems.
Gripper – A device that allows a robot to grasp objects.
Hardware – Physical circuitry including circuit boards, ICs (integrated circuits), transistors, etc.
H-Bridge – An arrangement of 4 transistors in the shape of the letter ‘H’ used to control the direction of
a DC motor. ARobot uses a single IC that contains 2 H-bridges to control the drive motor and powerful
Hexadecimal – Base 16 numbering system. Each digit is written as 0-9,A-F. Hexadecimal makes it
easier to enter data and address values. Example of a hex byte is 4A, example of a hex word is A04F.
High-Level Language – A computer programming language that allows the user to create complex
programs using instructions that represent many simpler instructions. PBasic used by the Basic Stamp II
is a high level language.
Infrared (IR) - Electromagnetic radiation generated by thermal agitation. IR is invisible to the human
eye. IR is used by most TV and Stereo remote controls. Also see Passive Infrared
Integrated Circuit (IC) - A device where many electrical components are built together as a single
component. ARobot uses integrated circuits on it’s circuit boards to perform most functions.
Interpreter – A computer language that converts instructions while the program is running. Unlike a
compiler that first converts the program to machine code. Interpreters are normally slower than
Joystick – A control device that employs a stick to achieve 2 axis control.
Laws of Robotics - Three laws written by Isaac Asimov which prevent robots from intentionally
harming humans and set other task priorities.
A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human
being to come to harm
A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such
an order would conflict with the First Law.
A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not
not conflict with the First or Second Law.
Light Emitting Diodes (LED) - Semiconductor that gives off light.
Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) - A type of display that can be controlled electrically and uses minimal
power. Many calculators use LCD type displays.
Loops – In a computer program, the re-execution of instructions using control flow statements such as
Low-Level Language – The set of instructions used directly by a CPU to perform operations. Often
referred to as assembly language.
Glossary of Terms