Corned beef and cabbage, Mulled cider, Brown bread – Rival Slow Cooker User Manual
Page 13

Note: when using an electric stovetop, the heat diff user
MUST ALWAYS be used with the VersaWare™ stoneware.
Note: when using an electric stovetop, the heat diff user
MUST ALWAYS be used with the VersaWare™ stoneware.
Corned Beef and Cabbage
12 new potatoes, quartered
4 carrots, sliced
4 pounds corned beef brisket
2 onions, sliced
3 bay leaves
8 black peppercorns
Water to cover
1 head cabbage, wedged
Place potatoes and carrots in bottom of VersaWare™ stoneware. Add brisket,
onion, bay leaves and peppercorns.
Add enough water to cover. Place stoneware in slow cooker heating base, cover,
and cook on Low for 8-10 hours or on High for 4-5 hours. Add cabbage halfway
through cooking.
Serves 6-8
Mulled Cider
1 gallon apple cider
cup brown sugar
15 whole cloves
10 whole allspice berries
5 whole cinnamon sticks
Combine all ingredients in the VersaWare™ stoneware.
Place stoneware in slow cooker heating base, cover, and cook on High for 30
minutes and then turn to Low for up to 5 hours. Th
e longer the spices are left in,
the stronger the “mulling”.
Serves 12-16
Brown Bread
2 cups cornmeal
2 cups rye fl our
3 teaspoons baking soda
2 teaspoons salt
2 cups whole wheat fl our (natural, unbleached)
cups molasses
4 cups buttermilk
2 cups raisins
Nonstick cooking spray
In a large bowl, mix cornmeal, rye fl our, baking soda and salt. Once blended, add
wheat fl our.
In a separate bowl, combine molasses and buttermilk, stir. Gradually, combine
with fl our mixture and blend until smooth. Finish by folding in raisins.
Spray inside of VersaWare™ stoneware with non-stick cooking spray. Pour and
spread mixture into VersaWare™ stoneware. Do not cover.
Place stoneware in large roasting pan and fi ll
of the way up with water. Place
roasting pan fi lled with water and stoneware in oven, uncovered, and bake at
375ºF for 90 minutes or until fi rm.
Serves 8
Appetizers and Side Dishes