Rogue Audio Stereo 90 User Manual
Page 8

8) Rotate the switch back into the null (first) position for operation.
As it is a quick operation, the tube bias should be checked on a regular basis.
Speaker Hum – If hum can be heard from more than a few inches from the
loudspeaker, there is probably a ground loop. Be sure to have both the amp and
preamp plugged into the same outlet if possible.
Tube will not bias – If the meter provides a reading but the tube will not bias, the
tube is probably bad. If no meter reading can be attained, check the fuse (1/4
Amp fast blow). If the fuse is bad, replace the fuse and then set the bias. If the
bias will not maintain itself and the fuse blows again, the tube should be
Bias Meter reading is too high – Check that you do not have two of the bias
switches turned on.
Output sounds distorted - Check the bias on the output tubes to ensure that the
tubes are operating properly.
Included with this manual is an Owner and Warranty Registration Form. Please
take a minute to fill out this card and return it to Rogue Audio. This card must be
returned within 15 days of purchase to validate the warranty.