RCA Fibre Channel Switch User Manual

Page 18

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Fibre Channel Switch

16 April, 2003

To discard this configuration use the config cancel command.

7. Type the following command to save your configuration.

sb5_8port (admin-config) #> config save

8. Type the following command to activate your configuration.

sb5_8port (admin-config) #> config activate

9. Type the following commands to view the threshold advanced settings:

sb2_16port #> admin start

sb2_16port (admin) #> config edit

sb2_16port (admin-config) #> set config threshold

10. Verify that the ThesholdMonitoringEnabled setting is False, or modify it if needed.

A list of attributes with formatting and current values will follow.

Enter a new value or simply press the ENTER key to accept the current value.

If you wish to terminate this process before reaching the end of the list

press 'q' or 'Q' and the ENTER key to do so.


(True / False)




Finished configuring attributes.

This configuration must be saved (see config save command) and

activated (see config activate command) before it can take effect.

To discard this configuration use the config cancel command.

11. Save and activate the configuration with the following commands:

sb2_16port (admin-config) #> config save

sb2_16port (admin) #> config act

12. Confirm activation of the configuration when prompted.

You must make various SNMP settings so that you can monitor your switch with
NetCentral. Refer to “Monitoring your switch with NetCentral” on page 20 for SNMP
configuration information.

If you are installing your QLogic SANbox2 Switch in a Grass Valley Media Area
Network, refer to the Media Area Network Instruction Manual for specific
configuration information.