Verify firmware version – RCA Fibre Channel Switch User Manual
Page 15

Configuring your Fibre Channel switch
16 April, 2003
Fibre Channel Switch
(dec value 0-1440 minutes, 0=never)
(dec value 0-100 degrees Celsius)
(dec value 0-100 degrees Celsius)
(True / False)
(True / False)
(True / False)
(True / False)
(dot-notated IP Address)
Do you want to save and activate this system setup? (y/n): [n] y
Verify firmware version
You can use the show switch command to view switch information and confirm that
the active firmware version is correct. The minimum qualified image is:
• or higher
Contact your Grass Valley representative to determine the current required version.
To view the current version information:
1. In administrator mode type the following command at the prompt,:
sb5_8port (admin) #> show switch
2. View the switch information, an example of which is shown here. Note that the
ActiveSWImage specifies which SWImageVersion is being used. In this case, it’s
image 2.
Switch Information
SymbolicName sb5_8port
SwitchWWN 10:00:00:c0:dd:01:a6:47
SwitchType Sanbox2-8C
PROMVersion V1.4.0.2-0 (Thu Mar 13 21:27:06 2003)
CreditPool 0
DomainID 100 (0x64)
FirstPortAddress 640000
FlashSize - MBytes 128
LogLevel Critical
MaxPorts 8
NumberOfResets 17
ReasonForLastReset PowerUp
SWImageVersion (1) - build date V1.4.0.39-0 (Tue Jan 21 08:11:16 2003)
SWImageVersion (2) - build date V1.5.0.8-0 (Thu Mar 13 21:27:06 2003)
ActiveConfiguration default
ActiveSWImage 2
AdminState Online
AdminModeActive True
BeaconOnStatus False
OperationalState Online
PrincipalSwitchRole False