Skywarn – Radio Shack PRO-2051 User Manual

Page 38

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Beyond the Basics


The Skywarn function lets you jump directly to the last
channel in memory (Channel 1000) from any mode by
pressing FUNC +

. The scanner goes into scan hold mode

and starts receiving transmissions in the last channel. If
no frequency is programmed in the last channel, No Prog
appears and the scanner sounds an error tone.

about Skywarn

Skywarn is an organized group of trained weather observers.
A Skywarn group exists in virtually every US county with
a signifi cant population. During inclement weather, reports
made by Skywarn observers include information about:

• pea-sized and larger hail
• wind and wind gusts 40 MPH and greater
• heavy


• lightning (cloud-to-cloud and especially cloud-to-


• wall clouds seen in severe thunderstorms (which

spawn tornadoes)

• severe lowering of a wall cloud
• turbulence in a wall cloud
• funnel


• tornadoes
• high water areas
• downed power lines
• other emergency conditions that affect life or property

Listening to Skywarn broadcasts makes it easy to quickly fi nd
out about and prepare for inclement weather conditions in
your immediate area, even before your local NOAA weather
broadcast and local TV or radio station can announce them.

Enter the local Skywarn frequency for your area into Channel
1000 on your scanner. Then, listen to Skywarn fi rst when
severe weather threatens. Listen to NOAA: for weather alerts