Razor ELECTRIC-POWERED GO KART 300001-SL User Manual
Page 11

B. WHEEL REMOVAL PROCEDURE. Occasionally the wheels
need to be replaced when worn out. The front and rear wheels are iden-
tical and can be interchanged. The only difference is how the wheels at-
tach. The rear wheels are keyed to the rear axle, while the front wheels
have bearings (608ZZ = standard skateboard bearings).
.) To remove a wheel, loosen and remove the self-locking
nut (13 mm socket or wrench required for the front
wheels; 17 mm socket or wrench required for the rear
wheels). Tap the wheel to remove.
4B-2.) To replace a front wheel, make sure the bearings are
seated and the center spacer is installed. Position the
wheel so the Razor logo is toward the outside. Install
the washer and tighten the self-locking nut securely.
Refer to Figure 10 for assembly detail.
NOTE: The razor logo on the tread must face out.
Figure 9
Figure 10