Red Rose Music 5 User Manual

Page 8

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11. Ground Switch (Right Channel) Use the two Ground Switches to eliminate hum caused by
ground loops between the amplifier and other components in your audio system. The Ground Switch
has three settings:

COMMON When the switch is set to COMMON, the signal grounds for both channels are
tied together. This setting overrides the FLOAT position of the Left Channel Ground Switch.

FLOAT When the switch is set to FLOAT, the right channel’s signal ground is isolated from
both chassis ground and left channel signal ground.

GROUND When the switch is set to GROUND, the right channel’s signal ground is shorted
to chassis ground.

12. Output Tube Operation The Output Tube Operation switch has two settings:

ULTRALINEAR When the switch is set to ULTRALINEAR, the EL-34/6CA7 output tubes
operate as pentodes. Use this setting for maximum power output.

TRIODE When the switch is set to TRIODE, the output tubes operate as triodes. This
setting provides improved audio quality (lower noise and less distortion), but it drops the
amplifier’s output power by approximately 50%, which reduces the volume at any position of
the Volume Control by about 1.5 dB.

The sonic character of the Model 5 amplifier is somewhat different in each of the two operating
modes. In general, the sound of Triode mode is more “relaxed”, with better resolution of the music’s
inner detail. In Ultralinear mode, the sound has more dynamic impact. The difference is entirely
subjective, and you may prefer different modes for different speakers, or different types of music, or
even for different recordings. We encourage you to try both settings and chose the one you prefer.
Remember to turn off the amplifier before changing the Output Tube Operation setting.

13. Ground Switch (Left Channel) Use the two Ground Switches to eliminate hum caused by
ground loops between the amplifier and other components in your audio system. The Ground Switch
has three settings:

COMMON When the switch is set to COMMON, the signal grounds for both channels are
tied together. This setting overrides the FLOAT position of the Right Channel Ground

FLOAT When the switch is set to FLOAT, the left channel’s signal ground is isolated from
both chassis ground and right channel signal ground.

GROUND When the switch is set to GROUND, the left channel’s signal ground is shorted
to chassis ground.

Turn off the amplifier before changing the Ground Switch setting.

14. Left Speaker Connectors The Left Speaker connectors are five-way binding posts. Connect the
positive (+) terminal on the speaker to the connector on the amplifier that comes closest to the
speaker’s impedance. Connect the negative (–) terminal on the speaker to the 0

(Common) connec-

tor. For best performance, use high-quality speaker cables.