Ronco Pasta Maker User Manual
Page 8

Please be sure to view your instructional video cassette which is included with your
You can order additional Sausage Making “horns”
• Country Sausage #20
• Italian Sausage #26
• German Bratwurst #29
You can order additional size casings, sausage horns, and seasonings through
Customer Service, (818) 775-4680:
• Small Sausage Links horn #17
• Chorizo and Polish Sausage horn #32
• Country Breakfast Sausage Seasoning Blend
• German Bratwurst Seasoning Blend
Additional sausage casings and seasonings, plus smaller and larger sausage casings and
seasonings, plus smaller and larger sausage horns are available for order through
Customer Service, (818) 775-4680.
Our sausage casings are used in most of the store bought sausages sold today. The edible
collagen casings that come with the Popeil Pasta & Sausage Maker provide the perfect
finish for your sausage.