Ronco Pasta Maker User Manual
Page 10

• Cleanliness is a priority: Be sure all surfaces and utensils that come in contact
with the sausage as it is being prepared are perfectly clean. This includes
hands, cutting boards, knives, spatulas, ect.
• Keep your working area clean and uncluttered
• Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water often. Bacteria thrive at
room temperature.
• Keep meat cool at all times. Work fast and refrigerate meat as soon as
possible. Don’t leave meat sitting out on the counter if you take a break.
Through cooking is absolutely necessary when preparing all poultry, meat or fish
sausages. If you’re frying or sautéing sausages, use the new Amazing Ronco Spatula
(also available through customer service (818) 775-4680) when turning sausages over.
Don’t forget to poke a few holes in each of your sausages with the pin included with your
Pasta/ Sausage Maker. Larger sausages take longer to cook than the smaller breakfast
links. Always check the center of sausage by cutting sausage with a knife to make
absolutely sure your sausage is thoroughly cooked.
Pan Fry – Put sausage in skillet with 2 tablespoons of vegetable or olive oil. (optional)
Add ½ cup water. Cook slowly over a medium- low heat for about 10-12 minutes until
sausage is brown on all sides. Make absolutely sure your sausages are cooked thoroughly
by cutting with a knife through the center.
Oven Bake – Cook sausages in a shallow baking pan in a pre-heated 375° oven for about
30-45 minutes.
Grill – Brush links with butter, margarine or olive oil and grill over low coals. Cook
slowly, turning to brown evenly until thoroughly cooked.