NISSAN VQ35DE User Manual

Page 6

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use of a high quality clutch alignment tool. This will make the next
step a lot easier.

Grab a buddy, and have him/her help you lift the transmission up a
few inches. Slide the input shaft into the clutch disc splines. The
transmission should slide onto the two dowel pins that line it up
perfectly with the engine block. Thread in the 17mm and 14mm bolts.
If your engine did not come with the bolts, you will need to order them
from Nissan. Torque the 17mm bolts to 45ft lbs. Torque the
14mm bolts to 35ft lbs.
You should go ahead and install your starter
at this time. Also, install your speedometer sensor and other misc.
sensors that you should have with your wiring.

Next, it’s time to move on to the engine mount brackets/adaptors.
Let’s start with the rear engine mount bracket:

A. Torque to 35-40ft lbs (back side of block)
B. Torque to 55ft lbs (goes through rear mount on cross-member
to be torqued down later)

Once you have the rear mount torqued down to the block, you can
install the passenger-side axle bracket and adaptor. The bracket and
adaptor will come loosely assembled as pictured: