NISSAN VQ35DE User Manual
Page 16

You will only be able to use those 2 bolts, but it will hold up just fine.
Our test car has been running for almost 6 months with this setup. If
you drill the holes slightly larger, you can line the pulley up better, so
that you can use 6 rib belt, instead of 5 rib. Take your time, and line it
up, and you will be fine. Tighten those 14mm bolts down tight, and
use some Loc-Tite for added insurance.
The Power Steering pump from the VQ works fine. Your QR hoses
will clamp/bolt right up to it with no problems.
You will need to try some different radiator hoses. I used the QR
lower hose, and went to Autozone to eyeball a suitable hose to come
off of the engine and meet up with it. After some cutting, and using a
piece of aluminum tubing to join them together, I came up with a
combination that worked perfectly.
You will need slim fans… period.. Stockers will not fit. I recommend
getting (2) 12” PermaCool fans from Autozone, and wiring them up to