NEC C944 User Manual
Page 50

The system prerequisites for the installation of the PC software
are as follows:
• IBM or 100 % compatible computer
• Pentium 133 MHz or higher
• Min. 16 MB RAM
• Microsoft Windows 95/98/NT4, 2000 or XP
• COM port
• CD-ROM drive
On the CD-ROM you find the C944 software, consisting of the
following components:
- Telephony Application Programmer's Interface (TAPI)
- This is also a standardised interface, and enables remote
control of the C944.
- Configuration
You can use this program to configure your C944 comfort-
ably from your PC.
To complete the installation you must restart your PC.
The start menu of your PC will now contain a new folder with
the name ”C944”, unless you have changed the standard set-
up. In this directory you will find the ”Configuration Program”
and a ”Readme.TXT” file.