Nintendo GameCycle User Manual

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GameCycle User’s Guide 2005

Three Rivers

Page 3-6

7. Connect the GameCycle to the GameCube by inserting the GameCycle controller plug protruding out of the hole

at the top of the stand into the Controller Socket on the front of the GameCube console (Figure 3.7).

Note: Make sure the GameCycle controller cable leaving the back of the right support arm is connected to the
GameCube extension cable found at the bottom of the stand (Figure 3.2b).

Figure 3.7: Connecting the GameCycle

to the GameCube.

8. Once all the above connections have been made, you are free to turn on the power outlet bar, GameCube, and

LCD TV. If the GameCycle LCD screen is blank, follow the instructions in the “Troubleshooting” section.

Note: The LCD TV and GameCube turn on separately.

Note: Make sure the TV is in “AV1” mode. If nothing shows on the TV at startup, push the “Source” button on
top of the TV until it is in the “AV1” mode.