Navigation of gamecube menu screens, Getting started with different gamecube games, Avigation of – Nintendo GameCycle User Manual

Page 12: Ube menu screens, Etting, Tarted with, Ifferent, Ames, 5 navigation of gamecube menu screens, 6 getting started with different gamecube games

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GameCycle User’s Guide 2005

Three Rivers

Page 4-10

then change to

button and accelerating the object you are controlling will be achieved by cranking

backwards. Pushing the

button will return the GameCycle back to the


4.5 Navigation of GameCube menu screens

There are two methods of using the GameCycle to navigate GameCube screens, using the push buttons on the
GameCube or using the crank arms.
1. To scroll up,

a. push the

button or

b. rotate the GameCycle crank arms forward (Figure 4.2a).

2. To scroll down,

a. push the

button or

b. rotate the GameCycle crank arms backward.

3. To change the selection on a menu item,

a. push the

button or the

button or

b. tilt the GameCycle crank arms left or right (see Figure 4.2b)

Note: When using the crank arms to navigate GameCube screens, use short quick rotating or tilting motions.

4. To make a selection, press the

button (this may vary between games)

5. To go back a menu, press the

button (this may vary between games)

6. To display a menu while gaming that will allow you to choose different options, such as quit or restart the game,

press the


4.6 Getting Started with Different GameCube Games

To setup the GameCycle to work with different GameCube games, follow the procedure described below.

Note: Only GameCube games that use the “A” and “B”, “R” and “L”, or the “Control Stick” will work with the
GameCycle (Figure 4.3). If the game uses the “+ Control Pad” exclusively to control the game then it will not
work with the GameCycle.

Insert the GameCube game into the GameCube.

Determine which button makes the object you will be controlling go forward or accelerate using the GameCube
game’s instruction booklet.