Adjustable capacity pot – Nortec Industries MES-U User Manual

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out and the fill solenoid will again open until the
cylinder is again full.

This cycling of the red light and fill valve will

continue until the unit’s full output capacity is reached
after which the water level will automatically lower
itself in the cylinder. (The increased concentration
allows for lower electrode coverage while maintaining
the same output.) When a stabilized condition is
reached the water will be boiling close to the cylinder
seam level. The solid state circuitry will maintain the
proper concentration in the cylinder by introducing
short drains only when necessary.

If the cylinder is manually drained the above

process will repeat itself.

Low Water Conductivity

Should normalization of the unit be required

immediately after start-up, the installer may speed up
the process by artificially increasing water conductivity.
During a fillcycle, the installer should dissolve half a
teaspoon of table salt (no more) in a cup of water and
add it to the cylinder by means of the fill cup attached
to the plumbing section.

Open the plumbing compartment and add salt

solution through cylinder outlet. Excessive amounts of
salt will result in erratic operation of the unit; however,
normalization of the unit will occur automatically
through the solid-state control sequence.


The MES-U series of humidifiers come with

adjustable capacity (AC) PC boards. These boards
have a pot labeled 20 to 100%. See Figure # 3.


After an extended period of operation, in

accordance with life expectancy information, the

cylinder is completely used as indicated by the red
high water sensor light illuminated on the cabinet.
When this condition is reached, a new replacement
cylinder is to be installed.

NOTE: Red light may come on during initial

start-up but does not mean cylinder replacement. See
Start Up and Operation section of this manual.

Consult factory or agent for replacement. Quote

the cylinder model from the white 3-digit label on the
cylinder or quote model, voltage, and serial number
from unit specification label.


The steam cylinder is disposable and must be

replaced at the end of cylinder life. Cylinder life is
dependent on water supply conditions and humidifier
usage. Failure to replace the cylinder at the end of
cylinder life may result in unit damage. NORTEC is
not responsible for any damages resulting from, or
attributable to, the failure to replace a used cylinder
(see Manufacturer’s Warranty).



See Figure # 4.


Turn off the water supply to unit.

- 3 -

Capacity Pot

Figure #3

Adjustable Pot

Figure #4

Cylinder Removal