NetComm NP2724M User Manual

Page 22

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1.2) vlan add range

This command enter a range of vlan ID
Format vlan add range from < vlan-ID > to <vlan-ID>
Mode Global Config

2) vlan delete

This command remove a existed vlan
Format vlan delete <vlan-ID>
Mode Global Config

3) vlan ingress

This command performs ingress vlan source port membership check
3.1) vlan ingress forward

The command is used to forward frame but don’t learn SA into ARL table
Format vlan ingress forward
Mode Global Config

3.2) vlan ingress drop

This command is used to drop frames violation vid
Format vlan ingress drop
Mode Global Config

3.3) vlan ingress bypass

This command is used to forward frame and learn SA into ARL table
Format vlan ingress bypass
Mode Global Config

4) vlan port

This command is used to configure 802.1Q port parameters for vlans
4.1) vlan port all

This command is used to configure all ports
1.1) vlan port all port-configure
This command is used to configure ports in a specific vlan
Format vlan port all port configure <vlan-ID>
Mode Global Config
1.2) vlan port all protected
This command is used to configure protected ports
Format vlan port all protected {enable|disable}
Mode Global Config
1.3) vlan port all pvid
This command is used to configure port pvid
Format vlan port all pvid <vlan-ID>
Mode Global Config

4.2) vlan port ports

This command is used to configure multiple ports
4.2.1) vlan port ports port-configure
This command is used to configure ports in a specific vlan
Format vlan port ports port-configure <vlan-ID>
Mode Global Config
4.2.2) vlan port ports protected
This command is used to configure protected ports
Format vlan port ports protected {enable|disable}
Mode Global Config
4.2.3) vlan port ports pvid
This command is used to configure port vid
Format vlan port ports pvid < vlan-ID>

NP2724M User Manual