Pioneer KURO KRP-500P User Manual

Page 13

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Direct Energy HD Amplifier

New Power Amp Module

Both the main and amplifier
chassis are partially insulated,
providing the most stable earth
for each section. Together with
the separate construction, this
ensures high sound quality
e q u i v a l e n t t o t h a t o f t w o
separate components.

Insulated Dual Chassis

Advanced 3-D Space Frame Construction

In order to make the most of the Direct Energy HD Amplifier,
Pioneer developed an innovative power amp module. It puts the
power supply, power device and speaker terminals inside a
c o m p a c t u n i t t h a t i s o n e - t e n t h t h e s i z e o f p r e v i o u s
configurations. An optimised circuit layout and highest quality
parts ensure maximum power performance.

Ultra Rigid Separate Construction

Because the power amp module is
s o c o m p a c t , i t a l l o w s a n
i n n o v a t i v e t w o - l a y e r
construction. The power amp
a n d p r e a m p s e c t i o n s a r e
separated by a metal plate, so
they perform like two distinct
amplifiers. TAOC carbon cast
insulators effectively dampen
any vibrations.

For the SC-LX90 power amplifier,
P i o n e e r c o l l a b o r a t e d w i t h
ICEPower to develop an entirely
n e w D i r e c t E n e r g y H D ( H i g h
Fidelity Class-D) Amplifier. This
a m p u s e s m u l t i p l e f e e d b a c k
technology to eliminate power
supply interference and load
fluctuation effects, overcoming
the drawbacks typical of Class-D
amps. It effortlessly delivers
140W x 10 of ultra-pure power for
the finest listening experience.

T h i s i n t e r n a l c o n s t r u c t i o n
method uses 1.6mm thick steel
plates to isolate the power
s u p p l y , p o w e r a m p ,
analogue/digital circuitry and
video circuitry. Because there
can be no interference among
t h e s e e l e m e n t s , e a c h c a n
perform to its optimum ability.

Power Amp Assign Selector

The Power Amp Assign Selector gives you extreme flexibility for
configuring your home theatre system. You can assign the 10
power amp channels in a variety of ways, including 9.2-ch full
surround, 7.2-ch plus multi-zone, 7.2-ch front bi-amp, 7.2-ch
speaker B, and 5.2-ch all bi-amp.

Isolated Power Supply Design

The SC-LX90 has an extremely sophisticated power supply
system, with separate transformers for the analogue and
digital circuitry. The digital circuits use high capacity DC/DC
capacitors, while the analogue circuits use low-noise series
pass regulators. The Direct Energy HD Amplifier has its own
Switching Mode Power Supply. This optimises the performance
of every circuit, for superior sound quality.

Precision Distance

A multi-speaker system promises
great sound, but where exactly do
you put the speakers? Precision
Distance tells you. This unique
f e a t u r e a n a l y s e s s p e a k e r
p o s i t i o n s a n d g i v e s y o u a n
on-screen display of how to adjust
them. You can get the same optimum
s p e a k e r c o n f i g u r a t i o n t h a t a
skilled installer would give you.

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