Introduction features, Overview – P3 International Mold Alert P0270 User Manual

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Congratulations on your purchase of the P0270 Mold Alert!

Mold is as old as the Earth and it’s everywhere. Under the right set of

conditions, it can actually start to grow inside your home. Some types

of mold even contain mycotoxins (toxins produced by fungus-type

organisms) which can be hazardous to your health.

Mold can grow at humidity levels over 65%. If you keep the relative

humidity in your home below 50%, mold growth can be inhibited. The

Mold Alert Thermo-Hygrometer allows you to monitor some of the key

factors in the home that can lead to mold, dust mites, and bacteria.



Audible and Visual alarm function to indicate risk of mold

Room Temperature

Indoor Relative Air Humidity

Dew Point

Maximum and Minimum values

On/Off switch for audio alarm


the interaction of temperature and air humidity:

Cold air absorbs little or no moisture. When this air enters living areas

it becomes warmer and can then absorb much more water vapor. This

interdependency of temperature and relative humidity is expressed by

means of the dew-point.

If the measuring unit indicates an air temperature of 68°F and a

relative humidity of 65%, then the dew-point temperature will be 56°F.

What does this mean? That the air, in your bedroom for instance, will

condense and form water droplets on surfaces that are cooler than

56°F, and these damp areas may lead to mold.