Introduction – Polaroid Daylab 35 User Manual
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The Daylab 35 Slide Printer allows you to
make prints of 35mm slides onto Polaroid
The numbers throughout the text refer
to the Daylab 35 illustrations on the
pages at the back of the manual.
31/4 x 41/4 in. peel-apart instant films.
The Daylab35 is easy to operate and
offers such features as preset focusing,
automatic exposure control, exposure
adjustment, automatic film-development
timing, and built-in color filters for
creative effects. With the Daylab 35, you
can explore a wide range of creative
applications, including the Polaroid
Emulsion and image Transfer processes.
Parts (pg 13)
Power supply
b Film-holder dark slide/viewing panel
c Color-filtration controls
d Slide carrier
e Ready indicator
Contact your Polaroid dealer for
g Exposure-adjustment dial
additional information.
h VlEW-OFF-PRINT switch
If you need assistance on how to use
i Film-processing-timer button
the Daylab 35 Slide Printer or Polaroid
films, or if you should have film-related
questions, please call us toll-free
1-800-343-5000, Mon. Fri., 8 a.m. to 8
p.m. (Eastern Time) from anywhere in the
U.S.A. Or, write to the Customer Care
Center, Polaroid Corporation, 201
Burlington Road, Bedford, MA 01730.
j Film-processing-timer indicator
k Film-type selection switch
I image-preview door
Note: The dark slide/viewing panel has a
dual function. When fully inserted into the
film holder, it serves as a dark slide by
preventing accidental exposure of your
film. Its white surface facilitates image
composition when you project the slide
image onto it with the VIEW lamp.