Philips PCVC740K99 User Manual
Page 11

5.2 Camera Controls
The next tab is marked 'Camera Controls'.
White Balance
In Auto mode the camera automatically controls the different colour components in the picture to
obtain the most natural colour reproduction. This setting is the preferred setting for normal use.
The white balance settings cannot be changed without first switching off Full Auto in the 'Image
controls' tab.
Switch off the automatic white balance control to enable Manual control. The current colour
setting will remain frozen and will not be influenced by the camera's internal controls. Put the
white balance setting in Manual mode when you have a colourful scene and stable lighting
Indoor / FL / Outdoor: These settings compensate for the specific colour spectrum of these types
of lighting. However, these compensations are fixed, so under changing lighting conditions it is
better to use the Auto setting. Use the 'Red' and 'Blue' sliders to control the white balance
manually referencing to a fixed green setting.