Master module rear panel – Peavey X-Monitor User Manual

Page 45

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Master module rear panel

External Matrix Input connectors (1 through 4)

These balanced TRS connectors allow external line level signals to be added to the

four Matrix buses.Their levels are controlled by the Ext In pots located in the Matrix
master section.

Matrix output connectors (1 through 4)

These balanced male XLR connectors carry the Matrix master outputs 1 - 4.

Matrix Insert jacks (1 through 4)

Insert Send- These ground-compensated TRS connectors allow external gear to be
patched into the Matrix signal path.The Insert Send jack is always active,it is fed from
the Matrix pre-level signal.

Insert Return- These balanced TRS connectors allow external gear to be patched

into the Matrix signal path.When a plug is inserted into the Insert Return jack, the
normal Matrix signal path is interupted.

Main Out A & B output connectors

These balanced male XLR connectors carry the Bus A & B master outputs.

Main Out A & B Insert jacks

Insert Send- These ground-compensated TRS connectors allow external gear to be
patched into the Bus A & B signal paths.The Insert Send jack is always active, it is fed
from the Bus A & B pre-fader signal.

Insert Return- These balanced TRS connectors allow external gear to be patched

into the Bus A & B signal path.When a plug is inserted into the Insert Return jack,
the normal Bus signal path is interupted.

Alt Out A & B

These ground-compensated TRS connectors carry the Alt A & B master outputs.

Monitor Out L & R connectors

These balanced male XLR connectors carry the Monitor master outputs.

External Monitor Input connectors L & R

These balanced TRS connectors bring external line level signals into the headphone

system.They don’t feed any other circuits.

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Master section