Philips M2925A User Manual

Philips fm-2 portable antepartum fetal monitor

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M2922A, M2925A, M2926A

Philips FM-2
Portable Antepartum
Fetal Monitor


• Lightweight and portable, with carrying handle.

• Easy to read display for viewing of FHR and Toco

traces and numerics.

• On-screen scrolling for viewing stored fetal traces.

• 15 BPM separated grid lines for easy viewing of

fetal heart rate accelerations for NST assessment.

• Twins ultrasound monitoring capability.

• Configurable audible and flashing fetal heart rate


• Uses watertight transducers compatible with entire

Series 50 range of fetal monitors.

• Event marker for easy documentation of events

and kick counts.

• 12-hours memory for fetal traces.

• Internal battery power or AC power from external

power supply.

• 6-hours (approx.) battery back-up operation,

rechargeable during normal monitoring.

• Download capability to transmit traces stored in

its memory to a PC or a Philips OB TraceVue
surveillance and alerting system.

• Online transmission to a monitoring system such

as OB TraceVue.

• Easily connects to off-the-shelf printer for



FM-2 is a fetal monitor for non invasively
measuring, and showing maternal uterine
contractions and the fetal heart rate as a graphic
display, and optionally on a strip chart recorder,
printer or OB TraceVue system. The data is
intended to aid in assessing the well being of the
fetus during the final trimester of pregnancy non-
stress test (NST).

This portable fetal monitor offers a solution for
antepartum screening in the private doctor’s office,
outpatient clinics, and for remote applications such
as traveling nurses visiting patient’s homes, or for
clinics in rural areas seeking remote consultation.

It is intended for use only by trained medical
personnel located in hospitals, clinics, doctor’s
offices and in the patient’s home or during transport
under the direction of a licensed practitioner.

This manual is related to the following products: