Solo - vca edit switch – Peavey X-VCA User Manual
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Solo - VCA edit switch
Throughout the X-VCA console, Stereo Solo/VCA edit switches can be
found on just about every input and output.
The Solo - VCA edit switch has two functions: it can be used to activate or
deactivate the channels solo feature, or it can be used to include or exclude
the channel from one or more VCA groups.
Solo Functions
Pressing this switch will include (solid illumination) or exclude
(not illuminated) the input channel from the consoles solo system.
As determined by a switch within the master solo control section,
signal many be monitor pre fader (in stereo) or post fader/post bal-
ance pot in correct panoramic positioning. Once placed in the con-
sole solo system, the channel may be removed locally by pressing
the switch again. The channel also may be removed by using the
Solo Clear function or by pressing another channel’s Solo-VCA Edit
switch when the Last Pressed solo mode is selected in the master
section. (See master section - solo control.)
When illuminated, it indicates that the channel is being solo'd and
may be heard within the master monitor section as well as displayed
on the left/right solo meters.
VCA Channel Assignment Function
When the console is placed in VCA Edit mode, this switch is
used to include the channel in, or exclude it from, one or more VCA
groups. For a complete discussion see the section on VCA Group
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Solo - VCA edit switch