Vca facilities – Peavey X-VCA User Manual
Page 123

p. 123
VCA Mute switch
Each of the 8 VCA Masters has a Mute Switch associated with it.When this momentary
switch is pressed, it will light steady RED and all Channels assigned to that VCA Master, for
that Scene, will mute. Pressing the Mute switch again will cause it to turn off, and any
Channels assigned to that VCA Master will un-mute.This Mute switch is under Local con-
trol only, it’s On/Off status is not stored with any of the Mute or VCA Scenes. However, if
it is active (ON) and the VCA assignment changes because of a Scene change, the newly
assigned Channels will mute.You can think of the VCA Mutes as eight additional Mute
Scenes which can change on a Scene-by-Scene basis.When a Channel is muted via a VCA
Mute, only the Channel MUTE LED will illuminate, the Safe/Preview LED associated with
each Chan Mute will not.This Safe/Prev LED only lites RED when a Micro or Manual Mute
is commanding the Channel to Mute.Two conditions will prevent a Channel from muting
with a VCA Mute:
1. Channel has been "Mute Safed". If a Channel has been set to Mute Safe (using the Edit
Safe Mode), the Channel’s Safe/Prev LED will be steady Green and the Channel will ignore
ALL mute commands except for the Local Mute.With the X-VCA, this also includes the
VCA Mute.
2. Channel has been "VCA Safed".With the X-VCA, it is possible to SAFE a Channel from
its VCA assignment.This Safe will also prevent the Channel from responding to a VCA
Mute, the Channel ignores not only the VCA assignment, but also any VCA Mutes.The
Channel will still respond to all other Mute commands
In the X-VCA, a Channel can be muted by any of the following 4 methods:
1. Micro Mute- Mute command from one of the 128 Sequenced Mute Scenes (Use Edit
Preview to program). Safe/Prev LED will light steady RED when active. Local Mute Sw can-
not change Channel mute state unless Console is in EOF Mode.
2. Manual Mute- Mute command from any of the 8 Manual Mute Scenes (Use Edit Preview
to program). Safe/Prev LED will light steady RED when active. Local Mute Sw cannot
change Channel mute state unless Console is in EOF Mode.
3.VCA Mute- Mute command from any of the possible 8 VCA Masters that the Channel
has been assigned to (Use either of the VCA Edit Modes to assign). Local Mute Sw cannot
change Channel mute state, and the Channel Safe/Prev LED is unaffected. EOF Mode has
no affect on VCA Mute.A Channel can only be un-muted by releasing the VCA Master
Mute, or setting the Channel to VCA Safe or Mute Safe.A Channel will not respond to a
VCA Mute (or a VCA level change) if it has been set to VCA Safe, it no longer thinks it’s
assigned to that (or any other) VCA Master.
4. Local Mute. If no other Mute is present (Micro, Manual or VCA), this momentary switch
will toggle between On/Off with each press to locally mute a Channel.Additionally, the
LED in the switch indicates a Channel mute (from any source) by turning RED. If EOF
Mode is active, the Local Mute switch will toggle a Channel mute Off and On if a Micro or
Manual Mute command initially caused a Channel Mute.The Safe/Prev LED will blink, in this
case, if a Channel’s mute status was changed from Mute to un-Mute by using the Local
Mute Switch. It will return to steady RED if the Channel is re-toggled to the muted state
using the Local Mute Sw. If EOF Mode is OFF, the Local Mute Sw has NO EFFECT on the
condition of the Channel’s mute. Prior versions of X-Eight software allowed a "Hidden"
mute to occur behind the Micro Mute. Once the Micro Mute was removed, the Channel
may or may not have remained muted, depending on how many presses (odd or even) that
the user applied to the Mute Sw while another mute was present.This hidden-mute "fea-
ture" has been removed on X-VCA.
vca facilities