Polycom SoundPoint Pro SE-225 User Manual

Page 14

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The available priority tags, with 1 being the highest priority, will be listed on the bottom
line of the LCD. Use the ▲▼ keys to move the blinking cursor over the priority “tag”
you wish to assign, or select


for No Tag, then press


Once assigned, entries with priority tags will be listed at the beginning of the Speed Dial
Listing in assigned priority.

Editing a Speed Dial Entry

If you wish to edit a Speed Dial List entry, including priority tags, first locate the entry,
then press


. The display will read EDITENTRY? Press





to confirm a correct name or number entry, or edit using the



When you are satisfied with the changes, press


to confirm and move to the next


If you wish to edit only the Priority Tag, press


twice to confirm the name and

phone number, the display will read SETPRIORITYTAG. Use the method described
above to edit the Priority Tag.

Viewing Speed Dial List Entries

Upon entering the Speed Dial Directory Listings, if entries have been stored on the
phone, the display will default to the first entry in the Speed Dial List. Multiple entries
will be listed in the following order:

Priority Tagged entries (highest priority to lowest, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P0)


Use the ▲ key to scroll through the entry list. Hold the ▲ key down to accelerate
through the list quickly.

Viewing Directory Programming Options

While in the Speed Dial Directory Listings, scroll ▼ at any time to view Speed Dial
Directory options. Options include deleting individual entries, clearing the entire speed
dial directory, adding entries and editing entries. See each specific option in this section
for details.

SoundPoint Pro Professional Conference Phone Operation

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Speed Dial Directory

Entering the Speed Dial Listing



to view the Main Menu Directory options. The Speed Dial Directory is the

first menu option.

Programming Names and Numbers

Up to 99 separate entries can be stored in the Speed Dial List.

Scroll ▼ to ADD NEWENTRY?, press


to begin adding an entry.

Enter the phone number on the keypad. Use the


key to back up and correct any

mistakes. Enter special characters if desired.

For spaces, press


For hyphens, press


For brackets, press


, once for


and again for


when ready.



to save the number.

Enter the name. Enter each letter by repeatedly pressing the key associated with that
letter until the letter you want appears on the display. Use special characters above as
desired. You are, however, limited to 13 characters.



to save the name.

You will then be prompted to select a Priority Tag for the entry.

Assigning Priority Tags

“Hot Key” priority speed dialing “priority tags” can be assigned to 10 Speed Dial List
entries. You will be prompted to enter a priority tag as each speed dial name and number
entry is completed.

SoundPoint Pro Professional Conference Phone Operation

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