20 check your brakes, 19 v-style brakes – Pacific Cycle CUCINA HR7633 User Manual
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Check your Brakes
Press each brake lever to make sure that there is no binding and that the brake pads press hard enough on the rims
to stop the bike. The brake pads should be adjusted so they are 1 mm to 2 mm away from the rim when the brakes
are not applied. Brake pads should be centered on the rim and “toed-in” so the rear portion of each brake pad is about
0.5 - 1.0 mm farther from the rim than the front portion of the brake pad.
Do not ride the scooter until the brakes are functioning
properly. To test, apply the brakes while trying to push
the bike forward to make sure they will stop the scooter.
Never ride a scooter that is not functioning properly.
Do not lock up brakes. Sudden or excessive application
of the front brake may pitch the rider over the handlebars,
causing serious injury or death. When braking, always
apply the rear brake first, then the front.
Brake pad aligned with the rim surface
Pad and rim should be parallel.
Direction of rim
0.5 - 1.0 mm
1- 2 mm
V-Style Brakes
If not already assembled, take the brake noodle from the parts box
and slide the cable through the larger opening. The cable housing
will then seat into the end of the noodle. Slide the cable through the
cable lead on the end of the left brake arm, this will cause the noodle
to fit into the lead. Slip the brake cable boot over the cable and posi-
tion it between both brake arms. Next, loosen the 5mm anchor bolt
at the end of the right brake arm and slide the cable under the retain-
ing washer. Pull the slack out of the cable making sure a distance of
39mm or more remains between the end of the lead and the start of
the anchor bolt. Once the cable is secured to the brake arms, engage
the brake lever several times, checking the position of the brake
shoes at the rim. The brake shoes should be 1mm away from the
rim when in a relaxed position. When the brake lever is engaged, the
brake shoe should hit the rim flush (never the tire) with the front brake
pad touching the rim slightly before the rear. This is called “toeing-in”
your brake shoe. If this position is not achieved, adjustments to the
brake shoe are required. Loosen the brake shoe hardware and reposi-
tion the brake shoe. It may take several shoe and cable adjustments
before the required position is accomplished.