Perform the lcd monitor tv reset, Adjust phase and clock controls via osd, Push auto adjust button – Philips BDL4221V User Manual

Page 61: Check for bent or broken pins, Do not perform any troubleshooting steps, Ensure the lcd monitor tv is in proper video mode

background image



Screen has one or
more lines

Perform the LCD Monitor TV reset

Auto adjust image through Menu -> Image
Setting -> Auto Adjust

Adjust Phase and Clock controls via OSD

Perform the LCD Monitor TV self-test feature
check and determine if these lines are also in
self-test mode

Check for bent or broken pins in the video
cable connector

Note: When operating in DVI mode, the
Pixel Clock and Phase adjustments are
not available.

Sync Problems

Screen is
scrambled or
appears torn

Perform the LCD Monitor TV reset

Push Auto Adjust button

Adjust Phase and Clock controls via OSD

Perform the LCD Monitor TV self-test feature
check to determine if scrambled screen
appears in self-test mode

Check for bent or broken pins

Boot up in the "safe mode"

LCD Scratched

Screen has
scratches or

Turn the LCD Monitor TV off and clean the

Safety Related

Visible signs of
smoke or sparks

Do not perform any troubleshooting steps

The LCD Monitor TV needs to be replaced

Intermittent Problems The LCD Monitor

TV malfunctions
on & off

Ensure the LCD Monitor TV is in proper video

Ensure video cable connection between
computer and the LCD monitor TV is secured

Perform the LCD Monitor TV factory reset (via
Menu -> Factory Reset -> All Settings)

Perform the LCD Monitor TV self-test feature
check to determine if the intermittent problem
occurs in self-test mode

file:///D|/My%20Documents/dfu/420WN6/english/420wn6/SAFETY/saf_troub.htm (3 of 7)2005-07-09 9:06:11 AM