Primera Technology Pictura 3000 User Manual
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A world of design possibilities is at your fingertips with the new Pictura3000
Digital Label and Decal Press. With Pictura3000 you can print and cut labels or
decals in literally any color, size or shape – directly from your Windows
-based PC!
This innovative, rugged press is designed for non-stop production environments.
It works automatically, printing and cutting in one simple, unattended process.
Print and Cut Full-Color Labels
and Decals In Any Size or Shape!
Innovative Technology Insures
Professional-Quality Results
Pictura3000 uses advanced resin-thermal and dye-
s u b l i m a t i o n p r i n t i n g t e c h n o l o g i e s t o f u s e i m a g e s
permanently onto substrates through heat and pressure.
The results are as impressive as the technology itself – detail
is sharp and colors are bright and vibrant. Our exclusive,
built-in RasterText™ feature lets you print text as small as
6 points with incredible clarity. Using dye-sublimation
ribbons, you can print real photographs and solid colors in
any of 16.7 million different hues with no dot patterns or
dithering. Variable information such as serial numbers can
also be inserted into each label printed.
Reliable Operation in Production Shops
Printing substrates are
roll-fed into Pictura3000’s
straight paper path for
m a x i m u m r e l i a b i l i t y
i n c o n t i n u o u s d u t y
applications. An entirely
new print engine makes
the process simple and
trouble-free. Roll after
roll, you’ll get print quality and reliability that exceeds that
of any other digital label press available!
Automatic Built-In Die-Cutting
W i t h P i c t u r a 3 0 0 0 ’ s
p a t e n t e d D i g i t a l
Die-Cut™ technology,
printing and precision
d i e - c u t t i n g a r e
incorporated into one
easy, timesaving step.
Just import your design
and select a cut format.
Choose from a list of “standard” die-cuts such as squares,
circles or starbursts in any size, or a “contour cut” that
automatically and precisely follows the outline of the
Wide Variety of Substrates
With Pictura3000 you can choose from many different label
and decal materials, including clear, white and colored vinyl
and white, gold and silver polyesters. Our new ClearView™
overlaminate ribbon can be printed onto any of these
substrates to further protect against handling and abrasion.
Pictura3000 is also ideal for producing “domed” labels,
p o p u l a r f o r n a m e p l a t e s a n d s p e c i a l t y a d v e r t i s i n g
applications such as key chains, cuff links and money clips.
Color Matching
Pictura3000 includes software that allows you to produce
virtually any PANTONE color when printing in dye-
sublimation mode. It also incorporates our exclusive
PrimaColor™ Color Matching Software to assure brilliant,
accurate colors for photographic images.
Software and LCD Display
Makes Production Simple
All press operations
are controlled with
o u r p o w e r f u l
PressPrint Software
for Windows. This
easy-to-use program lets you import files, “step and repeat”
images, print, and die-cut automatically. The large, easy to
read LCD front-panel display tells you exactly what the
printer is doing at all times. It even tells you if you’ve
loaded incompatible ribbons or substrates, saving you time
and money.